Enjoy your 3 Day Detox
3 Day Detox
Congratulations for deciding to participate in our 3 Day Detox, that is a great step forward to take your health and happiness to a higher level.
Some amazing benefits of this program are :
- Boosts energy
- Clear thoughts & less mood swings
- Better sleep
- Stronger constitution
- Maybe weight loss but definitely a lighter feeling
- Reduces bloating & congestion
- Less food cravings
- Time out from habit of unhealthy eating
- Restores motivation
- Balances blood sugar levels
- Helps you feel your best
Your Detox Journey
We suggest you start the 3 Day Detox on a Friday and finish on a Sunday. These days are flexible and totally depend on your commitments. To prepare make sure you are familiar with all the transcripts.
It is now time to crowd out alcohol, fizzy drinks and soda, fruit juices, artificial sweeteners, refined sugar, chocolate, caffeine, nicotine, gluten, junk food and dairy.
Drink as much water as you can, increasing the amount each day until you reach about 3 litres per day before the detox. Why do you need to drink so much water?
Start shopping. Read and print Shopping List, Recipes and Health & Wellness information.
Buy organic if you can.
Make your Vegetable Broth.
Grab your Journal
Grab your journal and start writing. About what – you may well ask??? A suggestion for your first idea to put in your journal is your WHY. WHY are you doing this detox? Always refer to your WHY. Set out your goals. Be specific!!! Even write a letter to yourself about what a REVIVE 3 Day Detox means to you. Maybe write how you think you will feel at the end of this detox. If you want to share your goals and thoughts go to our REVIVE Facebook page.
The Night Before
Eat a light meal early in the evening about 6pm. This can be salad or steamed vegetables with some brown rice. Be careful not to overeat. In your journal review your WHY you are doing this REVIVE 3 Day Detox. Reflect and reassess. Are your aims and goals still the same? Write how you feel now. Get a good night’s sleep. Sweet dreams!!!
Lets Get Started
Juice of 1/2 lemon or 2 limes with a sprinkle of cayenne pepper and 2 cups warm water, can dilute as much as you want (will help with hydration and bowel movement). Herbal tea or just more water. While you sip on your herbal tea write in your journal. Check out your goals that you wrote yesterday? Are they realistic and measurable? If you have health problems write them down and quantify them. Share your health issues. I think if you are brave you will find many other people with the same aspirations.
Detox Juice (as late as possible after your morning ritual) Serves 1. 2-3 celery stalks, 3 carrots, 1 green apple. Juice all ingredients (optional: stir in wheatgrass or spirulina powder) and drink slowly.
Coconut water or herbal tea
Cucumber, celery and/or carrot sticks with a little hummus.
Apple or if not hungry same as morning tea
As early as possible. Vegetable broth plus a plate full of steamed vegetables, choose your favourites. Sprinkle with All Purpose Amino Acid Seasoning. Herbal tea – peppermint is good for digestion and chamomile is great for relaxing into a good night’s sleep.
Activated nuts : Put 1 cup of raw almonds or a mix of your favourite nuts in a bowl and cover with filtered water, sprinkle 1 pinch of sea salt. Cover and leave at room temperature over night. In morning strain, pat dry with paper towel and keep in air tight container in fridge. If allergic to nuts or if you prefer with same procedure use pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
Same as Day 1. Herbal tea. Check your goals and your why for doing this detox. Write down three things for which you feel gratitude. Spend a few moments reflecting on the wonderful things in your life. Wake up earlier if you need more time to fit this into your morning.
Juice same as Day 1.
1 apple or pear, cup of herbal tea.
Salad plate full of green leaves, with lots of other coloured raw veggies. You can also use any left over veggies from Day 1 dinner.
Salad dressing can be 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil, juice of 1 lime or 1/2 lemon and chopped garlic. If you are going out this can be prepared with dressing in separate container and taken with you.
Activated nuts, 1 piece of fruit, herbal tea.
Vegetable broth. Asian Slaw Salad. serves 2. 3-4 cups or
shredded veggies (your choice of cabbage, carrots, bell
pepper, snow peas, broccoli, brussel sprouts, etc). 1 cup
coriander ( or Italian parsley or mint) chopped.
Dressing: 1 Tbsp olive oil, 1 dessert spoon toasted sesame
oil, 1 tsp All Purpose Amino Acid Seasoning, 1 garlic clove,
finely chopped, 1 tsp ginger, finely chopped, a pinch of salt.
a pinch of chilli flakes (optional).
After dinner relax with a herbal tea.
– don’t forget to
drink as much water
as you can.
Last day of your journey
Juice of half a lemon juice with water and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper.
In your journal look at the reason for which you feel gratitude. Now, write down how these points change your life. Again, as yesterday spend a few moments reflecting on how these enhance your life.
Detox Juice Same ad Day 1 and 2.
Herbal tea.
Reviver Juice. 3 carrots, 2 sticks of celery, 1 handful of spinach, 1 cucumber, peeled if not organic, 1/2 green apple. Juice all ingredients and drink slowly.
Activated nuts, 1 piece of fruit and herbal tea
Veggie Broth & Seaweed Salad :
1 avocado chopped, 1 carrot grated, 1/2 large Lebanese cucumber, 1/4 cup sprouts, handful or baby spinach leaves, fresh herbs and 1 nori sheet cut.
Dressing : 2-5 cm ginger – peeled and chopped finely, 1 clove garlic -finely chopped, juice of 1 lemon and 1 Tbsp of All Purpose Amino Acid Seasoning. Mix. Pour over salad and toss. Sprinkle with black sesame seeds. If you have any nuts left over from your snack add to the salad.
On the last evening of your REVIVE 3 Day-Detox relax with a herbaltea. If you have time read through your journal and write how you feel now.
You have finished your REVIVE 3 Day Detox. Please go to our REVIVE Facebook page
and tell us how you feel. What will you have for breakfast tomorrow morning?
A juice I hope!!! – use your left overs.
Post Detox Protocol
Now that you have finished your 3 Day Detox you may want to keep up your new healthy eating protocol. See BONUS juice recipes and meal recipes.
- Breathing techniques can be done on the bus, as a passenger in the car, at your desk, when you wake up, while your computer is recharging etc. Tell us when and where you do your breathing techniques and which one resonates with you.
- Eat real food, organic where possible and unprocessed. Lots of veggies, fruit, protein and whole grains.
- Ditch the processed salt and keep using your All Purpose Amino Acid Seasoning, herbs and spices and sea salt for extra flavour. Experiment with nutritional yeast.
- Don’t forget to journal, just for you. Herbal teas are wonderful to
detox and relax.
Detox Withdrawal Symptoms
Bloating and flatulence, diarrhoea, constipation, headaches, skin break outs, fatigue, aches and pains, brain fog. To avoid the above symptoms it is essential you prepare properly. See Preparation Days instructions. For a week before the detox drink a lot of water and herbal teas, eat plenty of veggies and fruit. If your symptoms persist see your health practitioner.

Benefits of Lemon Water
- Boosts immune system
- Regulates bowel movements
- Reduces body acidity by helping to neutralise the body’s pH by making it more alkaline
- Soothes sore throat
- Can lower blood pressure
- Stimulates the liver’s natural enzymes by helping to oxygenate the body
- Reduces heart burn
- Relieves respiratory problems
- Contains folate, potassium, calcium and Vit C. Vit C in lemons transforms toxins into digestible material
- Aids digestion by stimulating secretion of gastric juices making your system ready for your breakfast – albeit a yummy juice!!!!!
I use a glass or stainless steel straw to keep the acidic lemon from wearing away
tooth enamel. - Regulates bowel movements
Benefits of Cayenne Pepper
- Stimulates the circulatory system by opening capillaries
- Aids digestion
- Helps regulate blood sugar
- Increases body temperature
- Stimulates metabolism
Try to buy cayenne pepper labelled “non-irradiated”.
- Aids digestion
Staying hydrated is vital for our bodies as we are made up of about 60%water. Water flushes out toxins, carries nutrients to your cells, is vital for digestion, essential for cognitive function, mood, regulating body temperature and aiding in adequate blood circulation.
In fact, every system in your body depends on water. Every day you lose water through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements.
For your body to function properly, you must replenish its water supply by consuming beverages and foods that contain water. Water is calorie-free, inexpensive and readily available. For the purpose of this detox we advise you to drink 3 litres of filtered water per day. Herbal teas can be included in your water count. The best way to measure your water intake is to use a jug or bottle with a measure of litres or fluid ounces and only use this in your delivery of water.
Light Exercises
DAY 01
On day 1 try to be aware of walking more eg if you catch the bus each day get off a bus stop earlier than usual, if you go in a lift or on an escalator find the stairs and use them, if you drive a car be conscious to park a bit further away and walk a little more than normal. Failing all of these, just walk around the block, walk to the shops instead of driving, ask a friend to accompany you for an early morning walk or sunset meander.
Advantages of walking – reverses damage from prolonged sitting, improves creativity, lowers stress levels, lowers blood pressure, energises you, boosts your immune system, lows blood sugar, can ease pain. So get out there in the fresh air – it will do your body and mind some good!
DAY 02
As much walking as you can fit in and REVIVE’S six essential daily stretches. With increasingly sedentary lifestyles, stretching out our tight, hunched limbs is not only crucial for our wellbeing, it’s the route to a leaner, more lithe body.

Stand with a slight bend in your knees. Tilt your pelvis forward. Drop your head down, lean forwards a little and let your arms dangle. Start to roll down in slow motion by letting go of your upper back, then mid-back. Vertebrae by vertebrae. Hold for 5 seconds in the bent over position then slowly curl back up. Don’t forget to breathe!!! Repeat.

From all fours, knees hip width apart and big toes touching, lower yourself slowly down to sit on your heels. Rest your forehead on the floor. If your forehead does not reach the floor, place some foam blocks or cushions under your forehead to raise the floor level. Arms are stretched by your side with palms up. Relax and breathe.

Keep the position of exercise 2 and stretch your straight arms out in front of you and press down on finger tips. Hold for 60 seconds. Repeat exercise 2 and 3.

Sit on the floor with your legs out straight. Bend your right leg and step it over your left. Wrap your left arm around your right leg and hug your leg into your body. Drop your right fingertips on to the floor behind your back and begin to turn the torso to the right, bit by bit: lower back, mid-back and shoulders, and head. Repeat on the other side. Hold for 20 seconds.

Sit with your legs extended in front of you. Put a folded blanket under your buttocks if it feels more comfortable. Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Draw your feet as close to your body as possible and press the outer edges of the feet together. Keep your back straight and lean your upper body forwards. Hold onto your feet if possible. Hold for 60 seconds. Breathe in and out through your nose slowly.

Keep the position of exercise 5. Bend forward slightly trying to get your nose to your toes. If this is difficult move your feet away from your body. Hold for 15 seconds. Sit up straight and repeat. Slowly straighten your legs and come out of the position.
Day 03 – Repeat Day 02
Breathing Techniques
Breathing is frequently neglected as a resource. There is a lot of potential healing power in our breath, if we are mindful and intentional in the way that we breathe. According to experts, breathing with an exhale longer than an inhale allows the body to regulate itself and achieve a state of relaxation.
- To do this
Place your hands on your belly in a seated position (this can be done lying down, too), with both feet firmly planted on the floor. Inhale deeply and slowly through your nose, and notice your hands on your belly rising, as if a balloon were being inflated. - As you exhale, your hands and your belly will gently fall. Once you are comfortable with this belly breathing, breathe in for the count to 5 and out to the count of 7.
- Like most things, the benefits of this will increase with practice and repetition on a daily basis.
- Sit in a chair, back supported, feet comfortably on the ground.
- Close your eyes, and bring your attention to your toes. Working up from your toes, bring awareness to your feet, then ankles, calves, knees, etc., up to your head. Take a few moments to consciously relax each body part. Don’t forget to include fingers, hands, forearms, elbows, all the way to shoulders, neck and scalp.
Using your right hand use your thumb to cover your right nostril and inhale through your left nostril.
Inhale, release thumb and cover your left nostril with your 4th and 5th fingers and exhale through your right nostril.
Then inhale through the right nostril again, cover your right nostril with your thumb and exhale through the left nostril.
Then do it again and inhale through the left nostril, release thumb and exhale through the right nostril.
Repeat alternate nostril breathing as long as it feels comfortable. About 2-5 minutes.
Natural Elimination Systems of the Body
The primary ELIMINATION SYSTEMS of the body are the liver, the colon (large intestine), the kidneys, the lungs and the skin.
Together with the blood and lymph systems, these systems work seamlessly to ensure that your body is able to survive the environment. The healthy body is capable of self-healing, so the first step is to improve every elimination system of the body to help with detoxificaiton.
When the detox channels are overloaded and our sedentary life style takes over, the channels become inefficient and congested.
The toxins are forced into the bloodstream and settle into those organs and tissues which have the least resistance. If you want to improve your health and happiness it is advisable to understand the seven systems that the body uses to eliminate waste and toxic matter.
When the body identifies a toxin or foreign substance it tries to purge the toxin as quickly as possible using the seven systems of elimination. If you value your health do everything you can to understand these seven vital cleansing systems.

The colon transports wastes and toxins out of the body. Faeces are the waste from digestion of food. It contains indigestible matter present in food, bile produced by the liver and microbes.
Hydration of the digestive system will improve colon health.

Your kidneys are of vital importance to your bodily functions (including the elimination process). You have two kidneys. The kidneys are essential for keeping our bodies in balance – between the acid and alkaline – between salt and water – between sodium and potassium. Toxins and excess water are filtered from your blood via the kidneys.

The skin is the largest organ in your body, defending and protecting you. By sweating naturally you assist in cleansing the skin and keeping it elastic and healthy. Toxins which are soluble in water can be eliminated through your sweat. Going to a sauna and sweating is a wonderful health regimen for the skin.

assists the body in eliminating waste.

Your lungs are in charge of breathing and removing toxic gases from your body. Take good care of them by giving them lots of exercise and don’t smoke. Deep breathing of fresh air is great exercise for the lungs. Spend 15 minutes each day doing deep breathing exercises. You can also eliminate toxins via your phlegm.

The liver is multi-skilled. It metabolizes food, filters toxins and converts ingredients into substances that are needed in all parts of the body. When healthy, it will store vitamins, sugars, fats and other nutrients from the food that you eat.

The lymphatic system supports the body’s immune function by filtering out bacteria and other foreign substances. Exercise is a great stimulant for the lymph system.
These elimination systems of the body are important to understand as they all work together to keep the body in a state of homeostasis.
The REVIVE 3 Day Detox is working to eliminate toxins from your body using these vital channels.
Shopping List
- Water – unlimited filtered
- Herbal teas
- 1/2 cup greens such as kale or spinach
- 2-3 cup mixed chopped vegetables for
example – carrot, red cabbage, fresh
mushrooms, leeks and celery - 1/4 cup dried shiitake mushrooms
- 15 g dried wakame seaweed
- 1 Tbsp peppercorn
- 1 Tbsp ground turmeric
- 1 bottle All Purpose Amino Acid Seasoning
(from health food stores) - A bunch of fresh coriander or other herb of your choice (optional)
- 4 lemons or 6 limes or therapeutic
grade Lemon Essential Oil
- 12 celery stalks
- 14 Carrots
- 5 green apples
- 1 pear
- 1 piece of fruit – your choice
- 3 cucumbers
- Your choice of vegetables for Day 1
dinner – cauliflower, broccoli, sweet
potato, snow peas, spinach, etc - 1 handful of almonds or your favourite
nuts - Sea salt
- Cayenne pepper
- Brussel sprouts
- Sesame oil
Extra virgin olive oil
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Spinach
- 1 avocado
- 1 box sprouts
- 1 nori sheet
- Jar of tahini
- Coconut water
- Your favourite salad greens – 1 plate full,
different coloured vegetables
eg. avocado, tomato celery, carrots, 3-4
cups shredded veggies. eg. cabbage –
all colours, snow peas, bell peppers etc.
Optional – wheat grass or spirulina powder, chilli flakes, nutritional yeast flakes (great to have in the pantry once you get used to using it), black sesame seeds,
1 bottle coconut water. All vegtables to be organic if possible. Scrub and trim. Only peel if needed.
Find some new inspirational recipes
Simple, incredibly easy and yummy.
Creamy, smooth,
chick pea base
REVIVE’s adaptation of the
Japanese favourite dish
For your extended
juices days
Basic chicken and
vegetable stir fry